1. You are safe here
Stand alone and stop thinking, may well to try the words from mediation class: Breath in... and breath out...

2. Oh, real people
Observe the surroundings and people, you have less chance to be considered as a weirdo with a cigarette in hand.

3. If David smokes
Ask a stranger for fire and keep a distance of 1C1, share fire with your friend and keep a distance of 2C.

4. Time abuse is not allowed
Follow the clock in Loo2 and keep it in time.

Keep Distance of A Cigarette

The distance of a cigarette between two strangers is a unique moment staged by cigarettes when borrowing fire. The project intercepts the length of a cigarette as the smallest unit of social distance, through which a novel measurement system has been developed, attempting to measure irrationality through rationality.

In a time of e-cigarette, the traditional cigarette, as a mediator of the relationship between fire and tobacco, maintains a concrete spatiality and a loose but clear temporal practice that constantly negotiates social relations. Resorting to the tension in the contradiction between the rejected object and its celebration, the multimedia installation reconstructs the social images of the marginalized cigarette, drawing out discussions about labor, social interaction in the post-capitalist era, and the non-neutral influence that objects can have on us.